Wild Flowers

Let's make seed bombs! What are seed bombs?

Seed Bombs or seed balls, are small clusters packed with wildflower seeds that are designed to bring greenery and colorful pollinator habitats to urban landscapes or neglected areas.

Born from the guerrilla gardening movement that took shape in the 1970s, seed bombs were first used en masse by artist Liz Christy and the Green Guerrillas. Tired of Manhattan’s crumbling concrete sprawl, they began tossing what they called seed green-aids (sounds like grenades, get it?) into abandoned lots and run-down urban landscapes.

All programs will be held outside. Social Distancing guidelines will be adhered to, masks are not required outdoors, but are recommended at patron discretion. All programs are weather-dependent. The program is best for kids aged 4-10, and registration is required.

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