Teen Homework Help Online Resources

Khan Academy
About: Created by experts, Khan Academy's library of trusted stadards-aligned practice and lessons cover math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, History, AP, SAT, and more. It's all free for learners and teachers.
About: Grades 6-12- Build real working apps, games and websites using blocks, Javascript, CSS, HTML and more.
Citation Machine
About: The Citation Machine will help generate citations for papers in ALA, MPA, or Chicago Manual Style, as well as check papers for unintentional plagiarism.
Free Math Help
About: FreeMathHelp.com has been offering free math lessons in algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, statistics, and more since 2002.
A to Z Maps
About: Access thousands of US and international maps online. Maps of all types are available: political, geologic, modern, historical, topographic, and more! A database of international flags is included as well as a climate visualization tool. Free Access with Pelham Library Card.
A to Z the USA
About: Comprehensive geographic information about US states and territories, including: demographics, geology, history, regional recipes, state trivia, and much more! Free Access with Pelham Library Card.
A to Z World Travel
About: Essential travel information for over 200 national and international cities. Available from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Free access with Pelham Library Card.
Rocket Languages
About: This online language learning platform can help you learn the basics of a dozen different languages, online, or in their app. Free access with Pelham Library Card.
College & Test Prep
About: Fastweb is a free scholarship search platform that connects students to scholarships and financial aid tools. Their goal is to help you find scholarships to make school more affordable.
Books & More
NH Downloadable Books
About: The Pelham Public Library offers downloadable audiobooks and eBooks, in cooperation with other public libraries in NH and the State of NH library. The NH Downloadable Books digital collection has thousands of eBooks and audiobooks in all genres.
Novelist K-8
About: NoveList K-8 is a trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Parents, teachers, and librarians can also find tools to teach with books and engage young readers. Free access with any NH Library Card.
Additional Resources
- EdX- Offers free online courses from college university platforms.
- High School Ace- An Academic homepage for high school students where you can find links to subject sites, news, and reference.
- How to Adult- Youtube channels dedicated to teaching everyone, everything you need to know as an adult that school never taught you.
- MIT Open Source Software- Access to hundreds of MIT courses for free, including recorded lectures, course materials, and textbooks.
- Open Culture- Hub for digital education with links to thousands of online courses, free movies, audiobooks, and textbooks.
- Study Stack- Find/create flashcards for a variety of standardized tests and subjects.
- The US Historical Documents Archive- Contains the texts of famous speeches, songs, documents, and more.
- Wyzant - Your academic and career questions answered by verified experts.